Criterion VI

Criterion VI - Governance, Leadership and Management

6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership


The governance and leadership is in accordance with vision and mission of the institution and it is visible in various institutional practices such as decentralization and participation in the institutional governance

The Institute's unique attributes are fulfilled through its Vision, which empowers its students. The governance structure of the Institute includes the Board of Governors (BOG)College Development Committee (CDC), and influential leaders such as the Principal and Vice Principal, who develop and implement policies that align with the Institute's Vision and Mission.

Various institutional practices are carried out and monitored under the umbrella of the BOG, CDC, Principal, and Vice Principal, with the assistance of the IQAC, Academic Monitoring Committee, and other institutional committees. The BOG and CDC convene twice a year to ensure effective policy implementation, monitor academic progress, and ensure that the Institute progresses according to its plans.

The Principal meets regularly with the Academic Monitoring Committee to review departmental processes and plans, and decisions, policies, and plans to improve quality are evaluated and discussed. The Principal also looks into the formation of a student council, Student discipline, Anti-ragging Grievances, and other committees as per norms of statutory bodies and action for the same, Heads of departments meet with staff regularly, and the CDC and Governing Body review decisions, policies, and planning.

The Dean of Academics creates a well-planned academic calendar before each semester that includes curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular activities aligned with the Institute's Vision and Mission. Additionally, the Dean ensures that faculty development regarding teaching and learning is enhanced through programming and consultation.

The Dean of Research and Development is responsible for creating an ecosystem for research and development at the Institute.

The Dean of Infrastructure and Planning attends to the Institute's infrastructure needs.

The Alumni Coordinator develops and implements an Alumni Relations strategy, while the Industry Institute Interaction coordinator establishes and nurtures industry relationships.

The Head of Department aids in transforming teaching by introducing a new model that connects teachers to their students and professional content, resources, and systems to improve instruction and personalize learning. The Head also creates an ecosystem for learning opportunities and the use of open educational resources and other technologies for Institute students.

The Training and Placement Officer liaises with the industry, identifies student training, including Internship needs, and arranges campus interviews.

The Entrepreneurship Development Cell and Startup Cell coordinator organize The Institute maintains an effective coordination and monitoring mechanism with departments and various committees.

The IQAC monitors the functioning of committees relevant to teaching and learning, student enrichment, and overall Institute development. Alumni contribute to the IQAC's effective functioning. Central committees in the Institute are coordinated, and development activities are planned and executed in a timely manner, reflecting effective governance in line with the Institute's Vision and Mission.

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6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment


The functioning of the institutional bodies is effective and efficient as visible from policies, administrative setup, appointment and service rules, procedures, deployment of institutional Strategic/ perspective/development plan etc

Following policies, rules, and structures are framed for the effective functioning of the Institute. A competent organized institutional framework having a Board of Governors as a top-echelon resolving body followed by College Development Committee(CDC) constitutes the administrative setup. To meet the socioeconomic requirements, the management provides efficient Leadership and Administration in planning and executing academic, curricular, and extracurricular activities by possessing appropriate technical skills. The Principal and authorities establish multiple committees to ensure decentralized Administration, where predefined plans are implemented with active involvement from both faculty and students. Consequently, the Institute has an excellent staff retention ratio. The management also adheres to the promotional policies as SPPU, Pune, AICTE, and the Government of Maharashtra set forth.

The CDC has prepared the following perspective plan for 2019-24:

  • Effective teaching-learning processes
  • Internal Quality Assessment Systems
  • Effective governance and management
  • Effective student support and Student overall development through participation
  • Escalating placement
  • Financial planning and management
  • Alumni Interaction
  • Research and Extension
  • Introduction of a graduate program in emerging technology

By implementing outcome-based education, utilizing Bloom's taxonomy, innovative teaching and learning methods, and blended learning approaches, we strive to enhance academic and technical skills. Our faculty have created blogs, youtube channels, and e-learning resources, which are a testament to our ongoing efforts to enhance the quality and standards of education and achieve excellence. In addition to the initiatives mentioned above, the Institute regularly conducts hands-on expert sessions, emphasizes skillbased learning, and effectively utilizes e-learning platforms, significantly improving student results. As a result, two of our programs have received accreditation from the National Board of Accreditation for three years. The Internal Quality Assessment Cell (IQAC) is responsible for developing, maintaining, and updating quality policies. We conduct internal academic audits to ensure the effectiveness of academic activities and engage in external academic audits. The Institute has implemented digitization in Administration to create a hassle-free environment for the overall Administration of the institution. The Institute strives to effectively support students and promote their overall development through various means, including a student mentoring system, financial support for the project and national level competitions, and active student department associations. To bolster the research culture, the Institute has established an R&D Cell to recognize, facilitate, and reward research work. The Management Committee sanctions a seed fund of Rs. 2 lakhs per department annually for innovative projects and student research work. Institute Research and innovative culture improved Paper publications and patents. In the last five years, the Institute has spent more than 24 lacs rupees on student clubs to enhance their skills. The Institute has enhanced its alumni association by providing a dedicated web portal called "ALMASHINE." Alumni are also valuable resources for guest lectures, internships, and placements and are often invited to serve as members of committees such as the Department Advisory Board. The Training and Placement department arranges training sessions for technical and soft skills, which has improved students' placement. UG course in the Emerging area of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science is starting during AY 2020-21.

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Implementation of e-governance in areas of operation

  1. Administration
  2. Finance and Accounts
  3. Student Admission and Support
  4. Examination

All of the above

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6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies


The institution has effective welfare measures and Performance Appraisal System for teaching and non-teaching staff

The Institution has a variety of welfare schemes for teaching faculty members and non-teaching staff and provides a caring and supportive working environment for them. In connection with this, Existing welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching staff are itemized below: 1.Employee Provident Fund (EPF): The Employee Provident Fund (EPF) is a scheme that helps staff to create a sufficient corpus for retirement benefits. The Institution contributes towards EPF as per the norms.

2.Gratuity: The eligible staff is entitled benefits of Gratuity

3.Appreciation/Reward for remarkable work/outstanding contribution: the teaching faculty members and non-teaching staff are felicitated for specific achievements. The best teacher award is given to the teaching faculty members baseed on the performance.

4.Promotions to higher posts based on completion of higher education and outstanding contribution: After completing of higher education and/or being awarded a Ph.D, the faculties are promoted to a higher post on a priority basis, and increments are provided to them.

5.Support for higher education: The management takes the initiative to motivate the teaching and non-teaching staff for enrolling to Graduate, Postgraduate, and Ph.D. programs. The Institution's library, laboratory, and infrastructure facilities are available to the staff for pursuing such programs.

6.Financial support to the teaching faculty members attending conferences/research work: Teaching faculty members are motivated to attend the Faculty Development Programs(FDP)s, conferences, short-term training programs(STTP), and hands-on training, publish patents and quality journal poublications, for which the Institution provides financial support.

7.Financial support for institutional membership: The Institution has tied up with many organizations to provide professional memberships for the benefit of staff and students.

8.Accidental and death group insurance scheme: This policy is taken from the Oriental Insurance company for all teaching faculty members and non-teaching staff.

9.Leaves: All types of leaves have been sanctioned as and when required by all employees as per university statutes.

10.Two sets of uniforms: The Institution provides two sets of uniforms to Class IV staff every year

11.The staff can avail of a loan facility from the college society in a short time.

12.Medical help is provided to the staff of the college in SNJBs medical hospital.

13.Other: Apart from all this, the Institution strives to provide excellent infrastructural amenities with Wi-Fi enabled campus, canteen facility, gymnasium, and so on

The performance appraisal process provides opportunities for staff development and encourages the professional growth of each staff member while acknowledging and affirming the efforts, involvement, and achievements of all employees. The Institution believes that performance appraisal of all teaching and nonteaching is essential to its commitment to providing quality educational experiences for all students. Every faculty member completes the self-appraisal procedure every year in the prescribed format.

Performance appraisal system for teaching staff:

The information includesCategory – I : Teaching, Learning & Evaluation Category – II : Co-Curricular, Extension & Professional Development Category – III : Contributions (Gain) towards (from) Institute/ Society Category – IV : Management Observation

Performance appraisal system for non-teaching staff:

Part A (Self-appraisal): Part B (Appraisal by reviewing officer)



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Percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the last five years

61.56 Number of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies year wise during the last five years

    2021-22    2020-21    2019-20    2018-19     2017-18
       33       17        34       46        155


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Percentage of teaching and non-teaching staff participating in Faculty development Programmes (FDP), professional development /administrative training programs during the last five years

99.01 Total number of teaching and non-teaching staff participating in Faculty development Programmes (FDP), professional development /administrative training programs during the last five years

    2021-22   2020-21   2019-20   2018-19   2017-18
      199     233     347     93      30 Number of non-teaching staff year wise during the last five years

    2021-22   2020-21   2019-20   2018-19   2017-18
      83   84     90     100      91


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6.4 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization


Institution has strategies for mobilization and optimal utilization of resources and funds from various sources (government/ nongovernment organizations) and it conducts financial audits regularly (internal and external)

As we are a self-financed Institution, the primary funding source is college students' fees. Being a Jain minority institute, the management tries to mobilize the long-term fund via donations from the 'Bhamashah' of the community.

The Institution prepares an annual budget to manage its financial resources effectively. The deficit, if any, is managed through the support of the Parent Society.

The Institution ensures effective and optimal utilization of finances for academic, administrative, and development purposes. The available financial resources are allocated to ensure the Institution's Vision, Mission, and long-term goals.

Sources of funds are as follows:

Fees: We charge fees from students as per the Shikshan Shulka Samiti (SSS) report and government norms.

Government/Non-Government: We receive scholarships from the government, and we also receive grants from organizations such as DRDO, Unnat Bharat Abhiyan, and SPPU, Pune.

The Institution follows a well-defined process for budgeting and resource allocation. At the start of each financial year, every department & section submits a budget request to the institute for approval. The department heads ask the laboratory in-charges for requirements of new equipment based on the syllabus or industry needs. The department heads and department budget coordinators prepare budget reports based on information provided by various lab in-charges and submit them to the institute. The section heads also submit the budget requirement. The Principal proposes the budget in the Board of Governors meeting. Additional procurement is proposed, if necessary, based on requirements. Special considerations are made to accommodate unforeseen requirements. No budget crunch has affected the teaching-learning process and the effective functioning of the institute.

The account section prepares the final budget by adding all the administrative-level expenses, and higher authorities duly sanction it. The funding is then allocated to concerned departments, and the Principal monitors the expenditures from time to time. All heads of departments are intimated about the extent of funds allocated against their budget proposal submitted.

A sufficient budget is allocated for infrastructural development/ upgradation, including civil and support infra, housekeeping, common maintenance, and other expenses.

Regular budget review meetings are conducted to effectively utilize allocated funds, which have helped the institute effectively utilize allocated funds.

After each financial year, the institute determines if the allocated budget has been correctly utilized. Regular internal and external audits are conducted to ensure that resource mobilization is done correctly.

The audited statements of the Institution accounts are available on the website.

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6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System


Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes. It reviews teaching learning process, structures & methodologies of operations and learning outcomes at periodic intervals and records the incremental improvement in various activities





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Quality assurance initiatives of the institution include:

  1. Regular meeting of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC); Feedback collected, analysed and used for improvements
  2. Collaborative quality initiatives with other institution(s)/ membership of international networks
  3. Participation in NIRF
  4. any other quality audit/accreditation recognized by state, national or international agencies such as NAAC, NBA, ISO Certification etc

Response: All of the above.

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