
Engineering Mechanics Laboratory

Objective:: The objectives of the engineering mechanics program are to provide and facilitate teamwork and multidisciplinary experiences throughout the curriculum. Also to educate students in the fundamental subjects necessary for a career in mechanics and/or astronautics, and prepare students for advanced education in these and related fields. Area of Lab: 79 sq. mt. (carpet) Major equipment belt Friction, Beam-reaction apparatus, Universal force table, Space Force apparatus, Set up for Coefficient of Restitution, Curvilinear Motion apparatus. 

Lab In-charge : Prof.M.S.Dhomse (

Strength of Materials Laboratory

Objective: The strength of materials lab is to demonstrate the basic principles in the area of strength and mechanics of materials and structural analysis to undergraduate students through a series of experiments. Tests such as the tension tests of a steel bar, torsion of model circular sections and bending of a steel bar, compressive strength of concrete are conducted in the lab. Area of Lab: 176 (carpet) Major Equipments: Universal Testing Machine, Compression Testing Machine, Impact Testing Machine, Hardness Testing Machine, Torsion Testing Machine, Flexural Testing Machine, Abrasion Testing Machine 

Lab In-charge: Prof.L.B.Pawar (

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory

Objective:: The lab is a basic model that acquires the understanding of fluid properties, and fluid characteristics and calibrates the instruments based on Bernoulli’s theorem. The experiments here are designed to demonstrate the applications of the basic fluid mechanics principles like Reynold’s number, frictional losses, etc. Area of lab: 101 sq. mt. (carpet) Major equipment: Redwood viscometer, Reynolds Apparatus, venturimeter, orificemeter, Bernoulli’s Apparatus, hydraulic flume, Losses in pipes. 

Lab In-charge: Prof. A.L.Shimpi(

Surveying Laboratory

Objective:: The objective of this laboratory is to learn about the measurement of distances, angles, Reduced Levels, and setting out works. The experiments include the determination of distances using chain and tape, reduced levels and contours using Level, bearing of lines using Compass, horizontal and vertical angles using Theodolite, and graphical method using Plane Table. The use of modern equipment like Total Station will be demonstrated. This laboratory course will help the students to understand the theoretical concepts learned in the course surveying. Area of lab: 82 (carpet) Major equipments Total station, Transit Theodolite, Nautical Sextant, Mirror Stereoscope, EDM, Digital Planimeter, GPS receiver, Dumpy Level, Compass, Plane Table, etc. 

Lab In-charge: Prof.R.S.Sonawane (

Concrete Technology Laboratory

Objective:: The objective of the concrete laboratory is to determine the physical properties of building construction materials like cement, fine and coarse aggregate, and the strength characteristics of cement mortar, plain cement concrete, and reinforced cement concrete. The tests include the determination of specific gravity, fineness, normal consistency, setting times, workability and soundness of cement, fineness modulus of fine and coarse aggregate, strength of cement mortar, cement concrete, bending and flexural strength on concrete, and non-destructive test on concrete. The students can design the mix, make the specimens, and test the same for the strength for comparison with design strength. This laboratory course will help the students to understand the theoretical concepts learned in the course-building materials. Area of the lab: 124.7 sq. mt. (carpet) Major Equipments Vibration Table, Compaction Factor Apparatus, Vee Bee Consistometer, Slump Cone Test, Mould Vibrator, Impact Testing Machine, Concrete PAN Mixer, NDT Apparatus. 

Lab In-charge: Mr. O.V. Vaidya (

Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory

Objective: Soil is one of the very important construction materials. It is a very complex material to deal with. The Geotechnical Engineering laboratory has its aim to know all the engineering properties of such soils. Area of Lab: 101 (carpet) Major Equipments Triaxial shear testing machine, Unconfined compressive strength testing machine, California Bearing testing machine, Consolidation testing machine, Direct shear testing machine, Vane shear testing machine, Rapid moisture meter, Sample extractor, Permeability test apparatus 

Lab In-charge: Prof. H.A. Shirsath (

Environmental Engineering Laboratory

Objective:: This Laboratory presents environmental significance, practical applications of water quality tests, sampling techniques and also standards of water for various uses. well-arranged tests in the Lab - dealing with some major water and wastewater quality parameters of physical, chemical and biological. As most of the Indian Universities have included water and wastewater analysis, this Laboratory work should be extremely useful for the students of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Area of lab: 105 sq. mt. (carpet) Major Equipments Digital Turbidity meter, BOD Incubator, Digital Spectrophotometer, Digital pH meter, Conductivity meter, Flame photometer, High Volume Sampler 

Lab In-charge: Prof. S.P.Harkal(

Transportation Engineering Laboratory

Objective: The objective of the Transportation Engineering Laboratory is to learn the Principles and Procedures of testing of materials required for highway construction like Bitumen, aggregates, murum. Area of Lab: 102.31 sq. mt. (carpet) Major equipments Los Angeles abrasion testing machine, Marshall Stability Apparatus, Universal Penetrometer, Ductility Testing Machine, Centrifuge Extractor, Ring and Ball Apparatus, Water bath, Standard tar viscometer. 

Lab In-charge: Prof. P.A. Shinkar (

CAD Laboratory

Objective: The CAD Laboratory is a central facility of the Civil Engineering Department where all undergraduate students and faculty members can work with the sophisticated 2-D & 3-D design and analysis software. They can learn to use the latest software and carry out their research work. The CAD Laboratory has a total 30 number of computers (desktops and workstations) with the latest configurations connected with a high-end server through switched networking. Area of Lab 95 sq. mt. (carpet) Major equipment Project Dld Plus Model Kgps-1o1, Overhead Projector, Coagnifront Engg. Mech. Teacher & Student Version, LCD Projector Epson, Hp Laser Jet Printer, Computer System Think centre 

Lab In-charge: Prof. P. M. Yeole (

Geology Laboratory

Objective: The objective of this laboratory is to study the geologic factors that affect the location, design, construction, operation and maintenance of different civil engineering structures. In this laboratory, physical properties of minerals and rocks, geological properties like strike and dip of the bedding planes and study of different maps can be carried out. The basic ideas, learned about the geological conditions in a location will enable the students for proper design of foundations, the location of groundwater and design of structures for earthquake resistance. This laboratory course will help the students to understand the theoretical concepts learned in the course Engineering Geology. Area of Lab: 86.97 sq. mt. (carpet) Major Specimens Rock specimen's, mineral specimen's, Maps Lab In-charge: Prof.A.L.Shimpi (

Plumbing Laboratory

Objective: The objective of a plumbing laboratory in a civil engineering department is to provide students with hands-on experience and practical skills related to plumbing systems. The laboratory serves as a space where students can apply theoretical knowledge gained in classrooms to real-world scenarios.The laboratory aims to develop practical skills among students, including pipe fitting, installation of plumbing fixtures, and understanding of various plumbing materials. Students should gain a comprehensive understanding of plumbing systems, including water supply networks, drainage systems, and sewage disposal. They should be able to design, install, and troubleshoot these systems.

Lab In-charge: Prof.L.R.Desale (

Meteorological Laboratory

Objective: The meteorological laboratory in a civil engineering department serves the purpose of providing students with practical knowledge and skills related to meteorological measurements and analysis. This type of laboratory contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of environmental factors that impact civil engineering projects.The primary objective is to train students in the collection and analysis of meteorological data. This includes parameters such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, precipitation, atmospheric pressure, and solar radiation.The laboratory should familiarize students with various meteorological instruments and sensors. This includes instruments like anemometers, barometers, hygrometers, pyranometers, and rain gauges. Students should learn how to use, calibrate, and maintain these instruments.

Lab In-charge: Dr.K.L.Bidkar (

Drawing Hall

Objective: The Civil Department have a well furnished drawing hall having capacity of 40 drawing desks which can be utilized for engineering drawing. Also drawing hall is equipped with LCD projector