Civil Engineering
Engineering Mechanics Laboratory
Objective:: The objectives of the engineering mechanics program are to provide and facilitate teamwork and multidisciplinary experiences throughout the curriculum. Also to educate students in the fundamental subjects necessary for a career in mechanics and/or astronautics, and prepare students for advanced education in these and related fields. Area of Lab: 79 sq. mt. (carpet) Major equipment belt Friction, Beam-reaction apparatus, Universal force table, Space Force apparatus, Set up for Coefficient of Restitution, Curvilinear Motion apparatus.
Lab In-charge : Prof.M.S.Dhomse (
Strength of Materials Laboratory
Objective: The strength of materials lab is to demonstrate the basic principles in the area of strength and mechanics of materials and structural analysis to undergraduate students through a series of experiments. Tests such as the tension tests of a steel bar, torsion of model circular sections and bending of a steel bar, compressive strength of concrete are conducted in the lab. Area of Lab: 176 (carpet) Major Equipments: Universal Testing Machine, Compression Testing Machine, Impact Testing Machine, Hardness Testing Machine, Torsion Testing Machine, Flexural Testing Machine, Abrasion Testing Machine
Lab In-charge: Prof.L.B.Pawar (
Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
Objective:: The lab is a basic model that acquires the understanding of fluid properties, and fluid characteristics and calibrates the instruments based on Bernoulli’s theorem. The experiments here are designed to demonstrate the applications of the basic fluid mechanics principles like Reynold’s number, frictional losses, etc. Area of lab: 101 sq. mt. (carpet) Major equipment: Redwood viscometer, Reynolds Apparatus, venturimeter, orificemeter, Bernoulli’s Apparatus, hydraulic flume, Losses in pipes.Â
Lab In-charge: Prof. A.L.Shimpi(
Surveying Laboratory
Objective:: The objective of this laboratory is to learn about the measurement of distances, angles, Reduced Levels, and setting out works. The experiments include the determination of distances using chain and tape, reduced levels and contours using Level, bearing of lines using Compass, horizontal and vertical angles using Theodolite, and graphical method using Plane Table. The use of modern equipment like Total Station will be demonstrated. This laboratory course will help the students to understand the theoretical concepts learned in the course surveying. Area of lab: 82 (carpet) Major equipments Total station, Transit Theodolite, Nautical Sextant, Mirror Stereoscope, EDM, Digital Planimeter, GPS receiver, Dumpy Level, Compass, Plane Table, etc.
Lab In-charge: Prof.R.S.Sonawane (