Computer Engineering
Software Installed in Lab:
- Software Installed in Lab.
- Operating System: WINDOWS 7 (32/64 bit), UBUNTU 16.04(32/64 bit)
- Programming Tools:
Anaconda3-2020.11, Eclipse-Neon.3 Release (4.6.3), Java(JDK), Mysql , MongoDB , Java MYSQL Connector, Java-MongoDB Connector, Jbuilder - Browsers
Mozilla Firefox 8.0, Internet Explorer 7.0, Google Chrome - Misc
Acrobat Reader 9.0 - Hardware Configuration
A) Model: Computer Lenovo Make Model-4089 A13 with Monitor 18.6” LCD Processor - Intel Core™ 2 Duo CPU E7500@2.93GHZ, 32 bit, 2GB RAM, HDD SIZE - 298.09 GB, USB Keyboard, Mouse-USB.
B) Model: Computer Lenovo Make Model-3167-A46 with Monitor 18.6” LCD Processor – Intel Core™ i5-2400 CPU @3.10GHz, 64 bit, 4GB RAM, HDD SIZE- 500GB, USB Keyboard, Mouse-USB. - Area of Laboratory -
68 Sqm - Digital Notice Board: Click here
- Lab Incharge - Prof. M.D.Kawade
Computer Networking Laboratory:
- Software Installed in Lab:
- Operating System: Operating System: Operating System Windows 10 , Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.
- Programming Tools: Cisco Packet Tracer, wire shark, Rapid miner, Sublime Editor, Anaconda Navigator. Visual Studio Code, Turbo C++, R-studio
- Browsers Google Chrome Version-99, Mozilla Firefox Version-98, Misc Acrobat Reader 9.0
- Misc Acrobat Reader 9.0
- Hardware Configuration: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9500 CPU @ 3.00GHz 3.00 GHz, HDD SIZE - 1TB, USB Keyboard, Mouse-USB Optical Scroll.
- Area of Laboratory - 69 Sqm
- Digital Notice Board Click here
- Lab Incharge - Prof. G. P. Dhomse
Software Installed in Lab:
- Operating System WINDOWS 7, UBUNTU 16.4 13.04
- Programming Tools: G++ (Graphics),Eclipse,Java,OpenGL,Turbo c,Python,Qt Creator,dialog flow Browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer,Google Chrome
- Hardware Configuration: Processor - Core i3 3.00 GHZ, 4GB RAM HDD SIZE - 500 GB, USB Keyboard, Mouse-USB Optical Scroll.
- Area of Laboratory: 176.5 sq. m. (Combined Project Lab + GC Lab)
- Lab In-charge - Prof. N. P. Bora
Software Installed in Lab:
- Operating System: WINDOWS 7, UBUNTU 14.04
- Programming Tools Anaconda Navigator,Python,Cisco Packet Tracer, Wireshark
- Browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome
- Hardware Configuration: Think Centre : E73 Core i3 3.7 Ghz,4 GB RAM, HDD SIZE - 500 GB, USB Keyboard, Mouse-USB Optical Scroll.
- Area of Laboratory: 95.14 Sqm
- Digital Notice Board: View
- Lab In-charge: Prof. K.A.Jain
- Area of Laboratory: 66 Sqm
- Software Installed in Lab.
- Operating System WINDOWS 7, UBUNTU 12.04
- Programming Tools Turbo C Eclipse,starUML ,Open MP,Open , CL,Java, Gcc Lib,Lex and Yacc,NASM Python,Mongo,DB,Winedit,Miktek2.9,Winrar,Wireshark,Tasm,Qt Creator, Apache Tomcat,MysqlVLC Media Player
- Browsers: Mozilla Firefox 8.0, Internet Explorer 7.0
- Hardware Configuration: Processor - Intel i3@2.93GHZ, HDD SIZE - 500 GB, USB Keyboard, Mouse-USB Optical Scroll.
- Digital Notice Board:- View
- Lab In-charge Prof. Surse M.P.
- Area of Laboratory: 71.39 Sqm
- Software Installed in Lab.
- Operating System:WINDOWS 7 64 bit , UBUNTU 16.04 64 bit
- Programming Tools: Turbo c, Eclipse, Java, Python,Juputer,Anaconda 3
- Browsers: Browsers Mozilla Firefox 105.0, Internet Explorer 9.0, Google Chrome 105.0
- Hardware Configuration: Processor - Intel Core™ i5 2 nd generation CPU @3.30GHZ, HDD SIZE - 500 GB, USB Keyboard, Mouse-USB Optical Scroll.
- Digital Notice Board:- View
- Lab in-charge: Prof. Y.K.Desai
- Area of Laboratory: 102 Sqm
- Software Installed in Lab.
- Operating System:System: WINDOWS 7 64 bit , UBUNTU 16.04 64 bit Browsers: Browsers Mozilla Firefox 105.0, Internet Explorer 9.0, Google Chrome 105.0
- Hardware Configuration: Configuration: Processor - Intel Core™ i3 4 th generation CPU @3.50GHZ, HDD SIZE - 320 GB, USB Keyboard, Mouse-USB Optical Scroll.
- Digital Notice Board:- View
- Lab in-charge: Prof. P.S.Desai
Software Installed in Lab.
- Operating System:Windows 7, UBUNTU 16.10.
- Programming Tools: Python 3, Anaconda 2.7,Spider, pyDev ,g++, eclipse, openjdk1.7.0, jdk1.8.0,Arduino Studio.
- Browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome
- Hardware Configuration: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400S CPU@2.50GHz, Ram:4:00GB, HDD:500GB MAC OS Sierra Version 10.12.2, Processor: 1.4GHZ,Intel core i5,Ram:4GBMhz DDR3,HDD:500GB.
- Area of Laboratory: 176.5 sq. m. (Combined Project Lab + GC Lab)
- Digital Notice Board:- View
- Lab In-charge: Prof. D. S. Rajnor
- Area of Lab: 71.33 Sq.m.
- Software Installed in Lab. G++,Eclipse
- Operating System:Windows 7, UBUNTU 16
- Programming Tools: Text Editor , Eclipse C++
- Browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome
- Hardware Configuration:
- Processor - Computer CPU Lenovo Model M-73 Core i3, 3.5Ghz,4 GB RAM, HDD Size-250 GB, USB Keyboard, Mouse-USB Optical Scroll
- Digital Notice Board: View
- Lab In-charge: Prof. S. A. Chavan
- Area of Laboratory: 94.4 Sq.m.
- Software Installed in Laboratory: Microsoft Office,Python
- Operating System: Windows 2007,Ubuntu 16
- Programming Tools:Eclipse, Turbo C++, PyCharm
- Browsers:MozillaFirefox, Google Chrome
- Hardware Configuration: Processor – Intel Core i3, Harddisk-500GB,RAM:4 GB ,Computer Lenovo Think Centre 10ASA 0DLIH, Monitor Lenovo 19.5" USB Keyboard, Mouse-USB
- Digital Notice Board: View
- Lab In-charge: Prof D.P.Pawar