Department Library

The Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Engineering maintains a reference library with more than 230 books. This library is accessible to the faculty and students. The Staff and the students routinely visit and read the books.
Department Library Rules And Regulations
- Student can issue 1 book from department library, and may use library hours to increase his/her knowledge.
- Staff can issue maximum 5 books in a semester.
- Students have to keep silence in library.
- Mobile is strictly prohibited while sitting in library.
- Return the book before 4.00PM
- Make proper entry in issue register, its mandatory.
- In case of loss of any book, issuer is responsible and he/she has to pay the fine 1.5 times of the books cost.
- The student should check the book thoroughly, if any missing pages are found while borrowing the book he/she must inform the library in charge immediately.
- The borrowing facility can be withdrawn or restricted in case of misbehavior or misuse of library
Faculty In-Charge: Prof. Pingle J. L.