III Cell

Visit to Nanostuff for observing Salesforce Cloud Operations at Pune dated on 2/7/18

Visit to COUPA Industry to understand Work Culture at Pune dated on 2/7/18

Industry Institute Interaction Meet was Held at Digital impact Square (DISQ) Nashik. More than 10 Industries MD & CEO Attended the III Meet. The Main Objective behind III Meet is to Bridge the GAP between Industry & Institute.

Winjit is one of the Leading IT Industry in Nashik. Winjit has given lots of Inputs to Improve Students Communication Skills, Aptitute Test, Logic & many More.

Webwing Provides highly professional website design, mobile apps, website development and online marketing (SEO) services to client all over Country. Our Students are Working with Webwing Since 2014.

Arete is one of the Leading IT Indusrty in Nashik always provide us Support for Winter Summer Intrenship, Traning & Placements.

Dr. R. S. Tiwari is the Onwer of Intelidemics & Intelidemics is Wellkonwn Copmany in Nashik for internet of Things. Intelidemics has Developed IoT Based Education Kits for Students. Dr. M. R. Sanghavi & Prof. K. M. Sanghavi had a Fruitful Discussion with Sir regarding Developement of Students.

TECHNOCRATS FORUM is globally focused software and web based company. We want TECHNOCRATS FORUM to be known for its Service, Quality, Innovation and Integrity and as a company that provides best solutions to its customers and business associates. Our Students are Working with Technocrats Forum since 2014.