Board of Student Development

The committee is formulated with an aim of student centric activity. The Board of Students' Development truly represents this vision that is multidimensional as well as multifaceted. This vision sees the youth as a source of strength where their energy is harnessed to nation building and socially relevant activities to build an egalitarian society


The Board of Students’ Development (BSD) looks after the protection of rights and supervises the Development activities of the students of institution. BSD promotes and co-ordinates the different students’ activities for better corporate life. BSD tries to nurture student's mental, physical, cultural growth with various activities to improve their overall personality development and to make them civilized Indian citizens to compete in the globalized world.


1)      To work towards promotion of cultural, recreational and welfare activities of students in colleges
2)      To conduct leadership training programmes for students.
3)      To organize anti-ragging committees and squads and ensure that all necessary measures are taken to prevent ragging in the college.
4)      To help in building-up the all-round personality of students and to groom them to be future leaders and confident adults  

    5)     To promote the interest of the youth and develop their skills for appreciation of the fine and performing arts, pure arts and literary skills


1)      The all-round development of students

2)      The activities to improve their overall personality development of students.