About SPAA

Vision Statement

To be a vibrant alumni association working in consonance with the mission of the institute, supporting it through the synergy of the combined knowledge, skills and allegiance of its alumni, being its brand ambassador, participating in and contributing to its continued growth and development and helping our all mater develop world class and socially responsive pharmacist that are an asset to the society.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to serve the interests of everyone belonging to the SNJB family, by, gathering together all the SNJBians, helping them develop and nurture a mutually beneficial relationship, fostering amongst them a sense of loyalty, involvement and lifelong commitment towards the institute, thereby assuring SNJB of unfailing alumni support in achieving its pursuits of excellence in education, training, research and development.

Objectives of the SPAA

1.      To systematically uplift the image and status of the institute, both nationally and internationally and to project the institute and its contribution to the pharmacy profession.
2.      To establish a single, secure database of all the alumni of the institute to help people connect with each other by developing networking between the present and future alumni on a common platform.
3.      To associate with the institute for arranging and holding annual re-union of the past and present students on the college campus or other places.
4.      To take assistance and guidance from alumni for the development of students and institute.
5.      To foster continuing professional/academic development of present and past student by drawing support from achievers amongst the alumni in their respective fields.
6.      To maintain the honor and dignity of the fellow alumni as well as to maintain camaraderie and fraternity amongst the ex-students of the institute by promoting social and cultural association amongst themselves.
7.      To maintain an up-to-date data of alumni of the institute with their qualifications and addresses.
8.      To help the institute to organize national and international seminars/ workshops/ conferences on selected topics of pharmaceutical science to strengthen/share the knowledge base of the pharmacy and professional community.
9.      To assist the needy and deserving students by providing them financial assistance for their education. To help all persons of institution who are involved in social work.