Best Practices

Best Practice 1

1. Title of the practice: Best outgoing student and Student of the Year award

 2. Objectives of the practice: To improve academic performance as well as impart healthy competition attitude amongst the students.

 3. The context: Every human being loves appreciation and when you are being appreciated in front of number of people in form of some reward it is an icing on the cake. In student life, it has been seen that every student will work hard onto curricular and non curricular areas if they have been motivated with one unique goal. If students find an objective worth working upon then they will put hard efforts behind it and this efforts will surely bear laudable fruits. Students while leaving campus after completion of his studies if rewarded for his achievements into curricular and non curricular areas putting together will have an emotional bond with campus forever. This will also help us to achieve our Gurukul Sanskruti.

 4. The practice: The class teacher and the faculties teaching to that class is involved in the process of selecting the student of the year. The criteria for selection of students for this award involve his regularity, punctuality, obedience, sincerity and academic as well as co-curricular performances during the academic year. This also involves the participation in university activities such as ashwameth, youth festival, avishkar participation, sports activity, NSS, NPW, BSW activities. All head of the departments and class teachers involves in the selection process of the best outgoing student. Here the objective of selection focuses upon students overall performance throughout his/her days of studies in the college which includes his/her curricular as well as co-curricular achievements and his/her through professional development.

 5. Evidence of Success: The overall performance of students into university exams was observed to be on the rise as well as the participation into various co-curricular and professional activities were found to be increased to greater extent. This fact has proved the said objective of implementing this practice. The significant change leading to healthy and professional competition attitude amongst students was the proof of the concept.

Best practice 2

 1. Title of the practice: Reciting the vision and Mission statement everyday by one of students after national anthem.

 2. Objectives of the practice: To impart the awareness about the institutes vision mission so that students can align themselves in order to achieve the same.

 3. The context: Every individual who is part of the organization from student to head of the institute must know Vision and Mission of the Institute so that he/she can align his/her work so as to ensure the meeting of the said objective.

 4. The practice: We being Jain Minority Institute named Jain Gurukul try to inculcate value based education to every student of ours. We feel that every individual must be patriotic and hence we start college schedule everyday by national anthem. All teaching, non teaching staff members along with the students gather at the college gate at 10.28 am and national anthem is held at 10.30 am. We have made a practice that one of students will recite the Vision and Mission of the college in front of all teaching and non teaching staff as well as diploma, UG and PG students. This helps in ensuring that all the individuals working with or studying in our organization are aware about the vision and mission of the college and can align their activity or strive hard in their endeavor to fulfill the same.

 5. Evidence of Success: Practice makes man perfect goes the saying and it is being proved right in this case as well. Every individual in our college knows Vision and Mission of our college by heart and this helps him/ her to strive meticulously to ensure that we are able to achieve what we say in vision and mission. Our college has received Best Professional (Rural) College Award from University of Pune and it means that we could establish our center as center of excellence in rural area. Many of our alumni are working in reputed pharmaceutical industries as well as in academics in India and Abroad in different capacities.