About Library

About Library

Shri Hiralal Hastimal Jain Brothers Polytechnic’s Library is one of the Most Ively Places in The Institute That nables learning with an advancement of knowledge. It is established in 1983. Library is not simply a collection of books. It is the repository of knowledge . Indeed it is the heart of an academic institution. Our Library is rich in collection which consists of 26,282 text books and Reference Books, 4143 books titles, 2143 e-Books, 39 national and international Journals and technical magazines.  Library also conducts extension services like book exhibition, Reading Inspiration Day, Vaachan Sankalp Maharashtracha programs for staff and students.

Library web OPAC is provided to students and faculty for renewal of books and searching library materials. Digital library collection rare books, open source books, Institute news are made available for students through open source software . The library has subscribed to e-journals and scientific databases from DELNET.  Institutional repository also contains various study materials, question banks and syllabus of all courses  in Library.

     The  Library has a separate digital library equipped with 10 number of computers with internet facilities. It is equipped with NPTEL audio- video lectures, and CDs of Polytechnic courses. The  library of Institute has provision of spacious reading room for 100 students. It offers very peaceful ambiance for students.

