- Name: Mrs. Kavita Sopan Sonawane
- Designation: Lecturer
- Qualification: B.A.(FD) and Diploma (DDGM)
- Experience: 20 Yrs.
- Area of Interest(s): Garment Construction & Fashion Illustration
- Email ID: sonawane.kspolyiod@snjb.org
- Profile: View Profile
- Name: Miss. Punam Dnyaneshwarer Suryawanshi
- Designation: Lecturer
- Qualification: M.A (FD), Degree (BDFC) and Diploma (DDGM)
- Experience: 5 Yrs.
- Area of Interest(s): Computer Aided Design , Costume Design & Textile Design
- Email ID: suryawanshi.pdpolyiod@snjb.org
- Profile: View Profile
- Name: Ms.santoshi Sakharam Yadav
- Designation: Lecturer
- Qualification: Degree (BAFD)
- Experience: 2Yrs.
- Area of Interest(s): Pattern Making & Digital Designing
- Email ID: yadav.sspolyiod@snjb.org
- Profile: View Profile
- Name: Ms. Samruddhi Rajendra Kawat
- Designation: Instructor
- Qualification: Diploma in Dress Designing & Manufacturing
- Experience: 2 Yrs.
- Area of Interest(s): Fashion Illustration , Hand Embroidery & Jewelry Making
- Email ID: kawat.srpolyid@snjb.org
- Profile: View Profile
- Name: Mrs. Chaitali Siddhant Mahajan
- Designation: Lab Assistant
- Qualification: Diploma in Dress Designing and Manufacturing
- Experience: 2 Yrs.
- Area of Interest(s): Fashion Designing
- Email ID: Mahajan.cspolyiod@snjb.org
- Name: Mrs.Anita Sangpal
- Designation: Peon