SNJB Polytecnic
Poojya Kakaji

Coordinator's Message


Shri. Arvindkumar D. Bhansali



Shri. Rajkumar S. Bamb


The Institute has achieved commendable progress with its high profile, academic infrastructure including excellent internet & computer facilities, well-endowed laboratories & learning resource center, facilitating the career building of students. In today’s world of technical revolution, it has become mandatory for every technical institute to keep abreast with new and upcoming technologies. For this highly skilled and professional engineers are required to be produced. We ensure to meet the demands of growing technology.It is well said that A mere desire can change nothing, a decision can change something but a determination can change everything.

Our vision is “To enhance technical skills of students to meet industry needs along with human values”. Hence the efforts are concentrated on the overall development of an individual, equipping him or her with excellent communication skills and tuning soft skills. Co-curricular activities like sports and cultural events are also encouraged by providing them necessary facilities and equipment. We have created a secure congenial and serene environment for both boys and girls students to make it their coveted educational destination.


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