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Educational trips produce an opportunity for total immersion in the natural environment and social setting. The student practices his social and critical thinking activities outside the class room. He is able to learn real world lesson.

A student who sees touches and smells historical realize ancient artifacts and original sources of text becomes motivated to learn more in depth. Educational trips stimulate learning beyond what textbooks and videos can provide to the learners.

This is not to say that educational trips are equally stimulating, but those excursions that are well designed result in higher levels of academic achievements in every subject.

Educational trips that are directed by professionally trained staff, such as museum or science center. This allows participants to learn without realizing it, which reaches more students from various learning background.

For low income students or who are new to the school. Educational trips that tap advantage of local resources provide community connectivity. 

Excursions are taken to the various places like.

  • National Parks and Bird sanctuaries  
  • Place of tourist Interest, Botanical gardens, Zoological parks, Hill Stations, Sea Beaches, Historical Places etc. 

A Picnic is a short trip for pleasure to a beautiful place. Picnic adds spice to our life. They provide much relief from our routine life. They refresh our tried nerves. Students after enjoying a picnic feel fresh and take up. Their studies with renewed vigor.

On a good educational tour students experiences different culture through new eyes. Many tours are now offering volunteering opportunities and other chances to see people of varying Socio - Economic levels in a verity of local lives such experiences can help students develop more compassion for people from different walks of life. It can also help them to reflect on how theseissues affect people near their home, inspiring them to work towards change.

On the take students are surrounded by the people they know and they are guided through out by the experienced teachers and other guides.

Through their experience in a different culture students will see their home land in a new. Once they learn to think about the issue affecting another. 

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