SNJB's Late Sau. Kantabai Bhavarlalji Jain COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Accredited With A+ Grade By NAAC Accredited by NBA (Comp and Mech Engg) Permanently Affiliated to SPPU

Vision: To impart quality technical education in the field of Mechanical Engineering for the benefits of society Mission: To provide quality education among the students through the curriculum and industrial exposure. To develop a learning environment leading to innovations, skill development and professional ethics through curricular and extracurricular activities for societal growth.

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Applied Thermodynamics Lab
Objectives of Applied Thermodynamics (ATD) Laboratory: The objective of Applied Thermodynamics (ATD) Laboratory is to conduct practicals related to important equipments such as Bomb Calorimeter, Reciprocating Air Compressor etc. This helps the students to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and its application to practical devices. This also enables the students to get conversant with steam generator and its performance calculations. Lab In-charge:- Y. S. Kulkarni Lab Assistant:- Mr. Akash Bhavsar Location:- LG03 Area:- 66 sq. m
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC) Laboratory
Objectives of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC) Laboratory The objective of RAC laboratory is to conduct trial on various test rigs such as Vapour Compression Refrigeration System Test Rig, Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System Test Rig, Air Conditioning System Test Rig and Ice Plant System Test Rig. This helps the students to get practical insights into the working and performance evaluation practices of such systems. Lab In-charge:- Dr. R. C. Patil Lab Assistant:- Mr. Amol Gaikwad Location:- 12A Area:- 77.3 sq. m
Fluid Machine Lab
Objectives of Fluid Machine Lab The objective of this laboratory is to study the operating characteristics of hydraulic machines and flow devices. Major equipment focuses on the study and performance test on hydraulic machines like centrifugal pump, Pelton Wheel, Francis turbine and Kaplan turbine. In addition to study and calibration of Orifice meter, Venturimeter, Verification of Bernoulli’s theorem & notches. Lab In-charge:- S. P. Ingale Lab Assistant:- Mr. Akash Bhavsar Location:- LG02 Area:- 152 sq. m
Internal Combustion Engine Lab
Objectives of Internal Combustion Engine Lab Pace of the world depends on the wheels of automobile. In view of the requirements of automotive sector college has established the lab that includes different computerized test rigs of diesel and petrol engine, cut section models, various components of engine etc. All these give a clear idea to the students about an I. C. Engine. Lab Incharge:- Y. S. Kulkarni Lab Assistant:- Mr.Akash Bhavsar Location:- LG03 Area:- 66 sq. m
Theory of Machine
Objectives of Theory of Machine ( TOM ) Lab To know different machine element and mechanisms. Select suitable drives and mechanisms for a particular application. Develop ability to come up with innovative ideas and to impart practical knowledge on design and analysis of mechanisms for the specified type of motion in a machine. Lab In-charge:- H. S. Deore Lab Assistant:- Mr. Amol Gaikwad Location:- 12C Area:- 137.4 sq. m
Material Science Lab
Objectives of Material Science Lab One of the important objectives of engineering metallurgy is to determine the properties and Material, the properties of material is a function of the microstructure which is further dependent on the overall composition and variables such as temperature, pressure and Composition hence , to determine the phases present in the material system , an equilibrium Or phase diagram is plotted in engineering metallurgy. Lab In-charge:- D. H. Darekar Lab Assistant:- Mr.Akshay Ostwal Location:- 19C Area:- 87 sq. m
Objectives of Metrology and Quality Control Lab Objective of Metrology and Quality Control Lab is to select appropriate instruments for specific measurement. Analyze and interpret the data obtained from the different measurement processes. And present it in the graphical form, statistical form. Construct and draw the control charts. Understand ISO certification procedure and quality system. Lab In-charge:- D. D. Sancheti Lab Assistant:- Mr.Akshay Ostwal Location:- 19B Area:- 79 sq. m
CAD Lab I & II
Objectives of CAD Lab This lab introduces student with basic software for Engineering Drawing. To make students understand and interpret Engineering Drawings using Auto-CAD Software. So that students can use Auto-CAD Software to draw real life drawings in 2D, Isometric and Orthographic. Moreover student are introduced with advance software for modeling of Mechanical Parts. Students gain practical experience in handling 2D drafting and 3D modeling software systems. This lab is equipped with CATIA and Pro-E software. This facilitates the students to achieve hands on experience to do Part Modeling, Surface Modeling and Assembly Modeling. For Analysis of Mechanical Part, Ansys Software is used and MasterCAM for part programming. Lab Incharge:- R. M. Sonar Lab Assistant:- N. C. Khairnar Location:- 117 & 118 Area:- 136 & 98 sq. m
Hydraulics & Pneumatics
Objective of Hydraulic and Pneumatic Lab :- The hydraulics & pneumatics laboratory is a well equipped laboratory. Practical are undertaken to better understand the theoretical concepts learnt in the lectures of the subjects such as Hydraulics & Pneumatics in TE (Mechanical) 2012 Course. The specific objectives of the Hydraulics & Pneumatics Laboratory course are to provide the student with an opportunity to explore the fundamental principles of fluid mechanics through experimentation. Also to demonstrate and analyze key hydraulic & pneumatics circuits using hands-on physical devices and apply computer modeling as a practical tool for solving hydraulic & pneumatic problems. Lab In-charge:- P. M. Bora Lab Assistant:- Mr.Akshay Ostwal Location:- 19A Area:- 97 sq. m
CNC Machine Lab
Objectives of CNC Lab The objective of this lab is to introduce the Students to CNC programming and CNC machining. In this lab Students practice calculating the tool path from the drawing without using offset commands. The students also practice manual G code & M code programming and safety operating processes on CNC turning with touch screen. Lab In-charge:- J. S. Pagar Lab Instructor:- U. M. Ingale Location:- Machine Shop(Work-Shop) Area:- 68 sq. m
Basic Mechanical Engineering
Objectives of Basic Mechanical Engineering Lab The objective of this laboratory to help the student to acquire knowledge of mechanical engineering and enhance understanding of the fundamental components like Gears, Clutches, Brakes, Valves, Engines, Boilers, Turbines and Lathe. Lab In-charge:- K. B. Gore Lab Assistant:- Mr. A. B. Yeola Location:- 12E Area:- 66 sq. m
Heat Transfer
Objectives of Heat Transfer Lab The objective of the Heat transfer laboratory is to impart the practical knowledge on the conductive, convective and radiative type of heat transfer under different operative conditions and also the selection of instruments to measure the heat. Heat transfer laboratory helps the students to understand the basic concepts of heat transfer: conduction, convection and radiation which are the three basic modes for heat transfer to take place. To enhance the practical knowledge of industrial equipment, students perform experiments on some common heat transfer equipment. Lab In-charge:- S. U. Patil Lab Assistant:- A. S. Gaikwad Location:- 12B Area:- 73.5 sq. m
Project Lab
Objective of Project Lab:- The objective of Project laboratory is to give the proper platform to students to implement their ideas and find industrial problems for social and industrial growth by using there engineering knowledge. Lab In-charge:- R. S. Chaudhari Lab Assistant:- B. K. Wagh Location:- 18B

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