SNJB'sLate Sau. Kantabai Bhavarlalji JainCOLLEGE OF ENGINEERINGAccredited With A+ Grade By NAACAccredited by NBA (Comp and Mech Engg)Permanently Affiliated to SPPU
Student Welfare Sports Section Smart India Hackthon CSI
HACKATHON 2019 Team Name:- Chandragupta Team Members:- Mr.Akash Pardeshi - BE IT Mr. Kaustubh Dhumal - BE IT Mr. Vrushbh Dawarwe - BE IT Miss. Shital Shewale - BE IT Miss. Bhagyashri Metkar- BE IT Mr. Yashraj Patil - TE IT Prof.A.R.Bramhecha - Me
Student Welfare Sports Section Smart India Hackthon CSI