SNJB's Late Sau. Kantabai Bhavarlalji Jain COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Accredited With A+ Grade By NAAC Accredited by NBA (Comp and Mech Engg) Permanently Affiliated to SPPU

Vision To prepare Electronics & Telecommunication engineers for the benefit of the society. Mission 1. To provide quality education to students 2. To enrich the skill in collaboration with industry for better career opportunity 3. To inculcate ethics, values and environment awareness

Electronics And Telecommunication
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Control System Laboratory
Lab-Information: Lab-Information: The aim of this Laboratory is to brace the students with an adequate work experience in the field of Control System, Mechatronics, Electronic Design and Projects.
Objectives: 1. To provide the skills to students in the field of Control System and Mechatronics. 2. To provide the skills to students in the field of PLC and Automation 3. To provide the skills to students in the field of Project Development
Major Equipment/Kit: The Laboratory is equipped with various functioning units like LVDT, Synchro Tx/Rx, Temperature Sensors, Pressure Sensors, Strain Gauge, Vibration Sensor, Electro-pneumatic Trainer Kit, Logic Analyzer, Handheld LCR Meter, CRO, Function Generator, Dual Power Supply, DMM, PID based Temperature Control system, Various PLC based units like Bottle Filling Plant, Optical Rotary Encoder, Pick and Place etc.
The Laboratory also has PCB coater cum Photo Resist Dryer, both Side Exposure, Etcher, Drilling Machine, Proto Circular Saw, etc. to facilitate the students for their projects.
Software Tools: Allen Bradely RsLogix
No. of PC: 2 Computer Systems (IBM Intel R Pentium (R) CPU 3.00GHz,3.00GHz 1.96GB RAM Microsoft Windows XP professional Service pack 3)
Operating System: Windows XP
Name of Lab In-charge: Prof. Mechkul M. A.
Area (sq. m): 102.13 sq. m.
Optical Fiber Communication Laboratory
Lab information: The Communication Engineering laboratory is mainly used to focus on Practical Exposure on Advance Communication especially in the Communication Areas like Analog Communication, Digital Data Communication, Antenna & Wave Propagation and Television & Video Engineering.
Objectives: 1. This Lab Exploit Spectrum Analyzer of Hameg for visualizing signals in Frequency Domain.
2.Lab also comprised of variety of Digital Storage Oscilloscope.
Major Equipment/Kit: Spectrum Analyzer, Digital Storage Oscilloscope, True RMS meter, GSM Trainer kit, Antenna Trainer Kit,3G Mobile Trainer kit, PA system, Colour Tv Trainer, etc.
Name of Lab In-charge: Prof. Thakare S.S.
Area in sq.m.: 66 sq.m.
Communication Laboratory
Communication Engineering Lab (205B) : Lab-Information: The Laboratory designated to perform quiet core electronics sessions especially for Electronic Devices and Circuits.
Lab comprised of variety of CRO, Function Generators, Digital Multimeter, Power Supplies. For sake of skill development amongst students Lab encompasses most of the Practical’s on Breadboard to feel like actual Circuit Designing and Testing.
Objectives: 1. To provide students engineering skills by way of breadboard circuit design with electronic devices & components. 2. To design & analyze various electroni circuits. 3. To observe characteristics of electronic devices.
Major Equipment/Kit: CRO, Function generator, Digital Multimeter, etc.
No. of PC: 1 (Operating System: Windows XP, service pack 3, P4 3 GHz, 1GB RAM)
Name of Lab In-charge: Prof. H.R.Deshmane
Area (sq. m): 95.57 sq.m.
Basic Electronics Laboratory
Lab information:Basic Electronics lab designated to perform basic practical sessions for First Year Engineering Students with above mentioned deadstock items and rheostat.
Objectives: 1. The objective of Basic Electronic Engineering Laboratory is to conduct the practicals experiments of Basic Electronics Engineering. 2. To provide students engineering skills by way of breadboard circuit design with electronic devices & components. 3.To provide students engineering skills by way of breadboard circuit design with electronic devices & components. 4. To design & analyze various electronic circuits.
List of Major Equipments: CRO, Function generator, Digital Multimeter, etc.

No. of PC: 01(P4 Intel Processor, 2GB RAM, 80 GB Hard disk)
Name of Lab. In charge: Prof. Y.S.Rathod
Area in sq.m. : 90 sq.m.
Power Electronics Laboratory
Lab-Information: The Power electronics laboratory is used to conduct the practical’s of UG Course Power Electronics.
Main components of this Lab comprised of single Phase Half & Fully controlled converter, three phase Full converter, Speed Control of DC motor,20 MHz Dual Channel power scope.
Objectives: The Power Electronics Lab enhances the students by providing them the better understanding of concepts & working of advanced power semiconductor devices & power electronics circuits.
Major Equipment/Kit: 1 Phase Half & Fully controlled converter, 3 phase Full converter, Speed Control of DC motor, 20 MHz Dual Channel power scope, etc.
Name of Lab In-charge: Prof. V.A. Sanap
Area (sq. m): 70 sq. m.
VLSI Engineering Laboratory
Lab-Information: The well-equipped VLSI laboratory in the Electronics and Telecommunication Department possess range of equipment for design, verification and testing of PLD system for course of VLSI Design and technology.
The lab comprise of Spartan2 FPGA kits and their accessories.
Along with VLSI, lab also holds TMS Processor kits essential for course of Digital Signal Processing. Dual boot systems having Ubuntu as secondary platform are utilized for course of System Programming and Operating System.
Objectives: 1.To provide resources for design, verification and testing of PLD system for course of VLSI Design and technology.
2.To provide platform to work on TMS processor For digital signal processing.
Major Equipment/Kit: Micro wind, DSP Processor TMS With CCS, XILINX 10.1, LENOVO PC Matrix Multiple appl. tricks module, Matrix Multiple appl. tricks module base unit daughter module, etc.
Software Tools: Microwind, XILINX 10.1, Matlab R2009, TMS 320C6000 DSP platform Code Composer Studio DSK v3.1 IDE.
No. of PC: 15 (Lenovo thinkcentre, intel Core2 duo, 2GB RAM, 180 GB Hard disc,
Name of Lab In-charge: Prof. S.B.Memane
Area (sq. m): 68 sq.meter
Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory
Lab information: 1. The Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory is used to conduct the practicals/ experiments of Basic Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Electrical Engineering and Power electronics.
Objectives: 1. The Laboratory is equipped with variety of 3 Phase Induction motors, AC motors, Synchronous Motors, Squirrel Cage Motors.
2. This lab designated to perform basic practical sessions for First Year Engineering Students with above mentioned deadstock items and rheostat.
List of Major Equipment: Single Phase Generator,DC Shunt Motor,DC Series Motor,Three Phase Induction Motor,Three Phase Rectifier,10KVA UPS,1Phase Induction Motor,Three phase rectifier
No. of PC: 01(P4 Intel Processor, 2GB RAM, 80 GB Hard disk)
Name of Lab. In charge: Prof. R. A. Geete
Area : 90 sq.m.
Switching and Digital Lab
Lab-Information: Switching and Digital Lab is designed and maintained to perform quiet core electronics sessions especially for Microcontrollers, Embedded System.
Lab comprised of variety of practical kits , Power Supply Adaptors, FRC cables, USB cables, Serial communication cables like RS232.
1. To provide students engineering skills by interfacing various components to microcontrollers.
2. To design & analyze the software programming. 3. To understand programming Embedded C language.
Name of Lab In-charge: Prof. G.R. Kshirsagar
Project Lab
Lab Information: The project laboratory of the department offers the students, the opportunity to gain valuable hands-on experience with state-of-the-art environment where students become proficient in both the physical and creative skills needed in the field of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. The Project Laboratory has a key role in promoting practical learning experience, where students develop creative proposals, and execute their final projects.
Lab comprised of PCB design section provided with soldering gun, wires, power supplies, Multi meters and computers with required software .
Facilities and Utilizations:
1. A Project is an activity which is planned to meet a particular defined objective undertaken to create a product or system.
2. The primary purpose of the laboratory is to provide the space and resources needed by the students.
Name of Lab Incharge:Prof. Dr. Agrawal R.K.

Electronics And Telecommunication
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