SNJB's Late Sau. Kantabai Bhavarlalji Jain COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Accredited With A+ Grade By NAAC Accredited by NBA (Comp and Mech Engg) Permanently Affiliated to SPPU

Criterion - I Criterion - II Criterion - III Criterion - IV Criterion - V Criterion - VI Criterion - VII Previous Visit
Criterion I - Curricular Aspects

Key Indicator - 1.1 Curriculum Design and Development

The Institution ensures effective curriculum planning and delivery through a well-planned and documented process including Academic calendar and conduct of continuous internal Assessment

To ensure the effective delivery of the curriculum, the Institution has a well-structured and documented process overseen by various committees. The Savitribai Phule Pune University designs and publishes the curriculum and academic calendar.

We embark on the following measures to convey the university curriculum at Institute level effectively.

  • Before the start of each semester, the Principal conducts a meeting with the Heads of the Department to finalize the academic calendar, taking into consideration the institute events. 

  • All departments develop their academic calendar, incorporating departmental-level activities, such as industrial visits, guest lectures, value addition courses, workshops, seminars, internal/mock examinations, mentor meetings, etc.

  • The HOD allocates subjects to faculty members based on their specialization and preferences. The distribution of subjects is planned for proper academic implementation; accordingly, the timetable is prepared and displayed. 

  • The faculty of the respective subject prepares the lab manual, theory, and practical teaching plans before the commencement of the semester, considering the academic calendar and timetable. 

  • The faculty members maintain course files, including the academic calendar, individual timetable, syllabus, teaching notes, CO-PO-PSO Mapping, assignments, tutorial questions, ppt/handouts, class tests, university question papers, MCQs, and e-contents for delivering sessions.

  • Rubrics are framed for the continuous assessment of Laboratory courses, project work, seminars, and assignments.

  • The responsibility of monitoring the effective implementation of the Academic Calendar and designed timetable is assigned to the Academic Coordinator. He monitors the individual course files and the status of monthly syllabus completion in theory and practical.

  • The course incharge employs various pedagogical strategies and creative teaching and learning techniques, including the integration of ICT-based tools and NPTEL videos, to impart the course content. This approach enhances students' engagement and fosters effective learning. Moreover, the students are consistently encouraged to engage in self-directed learning by taking advantage of online certification courses.

  • Internal Assessment Tests (IA), assignments, quizzes, and seminars are part of students' Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE). There is a well-defined process for the conduct of CIE.

  • The course incharge prepares IA question papers based on the revised Bloom's Taxonomy and the scheme of evaluation, reviewed by the module coordinator and approved by the Department Head.

  • .Result analysis is carried out, and PO and PSO attainment are calculated to provide input for corrective measures and improvement

  • Inter-department faculties and External authorities carry out periodic Academic and Administrative Audits to adhere to the effective delivery and implementation.

  • The academic committee meetings are a regular forum for the Academic Dean and Principal to examine the status of the semester and make appropriate recommendations.


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Key Indicator - 1.2 Academic Flexibility

Number of Add on /Certificate/Value added programs offered during the last five years

: 94

Number of Add-on / Certificate / Value added Courses in  last 5 years














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Percentage of students enrolled in Certificate/ Add-on/Value added programs as against the total number of students during the last five years

: 42.94%

Percentage of students enrolled in Certificate /Add-on/ Value added programs as against the total number of students during the last five years








Students Enrolled







Total Students










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Key Indicator - 1.3 Curriculum Enrichment

Institution integrates crosscutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability into the Curriculum

The present curriculum of the SPPU has various courses in programs conducted in the Institute, which address professional ethics, gender, human values, environment, and sustainability-related issues. Integrating above crosscutting issues into the curriculum is a crucial task for institutions. 

Here are some steps that taken to ensure that these issues are integrated into the curriculum:

  • Define Learning Outcomes

  • Curriculum mapping

  • Engage Faculty

  • Incorporate Case Studies

  • Create Experiential Learning Opportunities

Defining Learning Outcome and mapping with curriculum done for Regular, Elective, and Honour courses in the curriculum, Projects, audit courses, Value-Added/ Add on Courses, Co-curricular and extracurricular activities. 

Faculty members are engaged in the process of integrating crosscutting issues into the curriculum. This is achieved through training, workshops, and seminars. Faculty members are encouraged to collaborate and share best practices.

Case studies are an effective way to incorporate crosscutting issues into the curriculum. Case studies through Problem based learning, Expert talks, visits, help students learn  about professional ethics, gender, human values, environment, and sustainability in a real-world context. They provide an opportunity for students to analyze and solve problems that are relevant to their field of study.

Experiential Learning Opportunities, such as Induction programmes,internships and projects, can be an effective way to integrate cross cutting issues into the curriculum. These opportunities provide students with hands-on experience in working with diverse communities and can help them develop skills and knowledge

Institute curriculum effectively integrates cross-cutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment, and Sustainability and leads to a strong value-based holistic development of students. Various activities are organized throughout the year as part of the curriculum that helps in this endeavor.

Professional ethics are inculcated among students by faculty members. Industry experts and motivational speakers visit the Institution regularly and make students aware of plagiarism, the importance of intellectual property rights (IPR), violation of it and about work ethics, etc.

Gender-related activities are an integral component of various programmes. Students are sensitized and encouraged to work towards gender equity from a cross-cultural perspective. Institute organizes various programs about gender equality; boys and girls work together in various curricular and co-curricular activities like projects, seminars, paper presentations, GD, PI, technical quizzes, debate, etc., through departmental association activities.

Human Values: Efforts are taken to make students sensitive toward societal issues by organizing activities such as Blood donation Camps, Coaching of rural women, Visits to old age homes, orphanages and activities such as clothes, food donations, the celebration of festivals such as Raksha Bandhan with them. Faculty members are also motivated/deputed to attend training programme of Universal human values. Activities are organized on national and international days such as World Health Day, International Women’s day, Teachers day, Engineers day, Republic day, Independence day, Yoga day, etc. 

Environmental and Sustainability: It is inculcated among the students through regular awareness programs such as Tree plantation, PUC camp for vehicles energy-saving activities, and Poster making competitions. The Institution has participated in Unnat Bharat Abhiyan for technological interventions in the area of water resource management, sustainable agriculture, etc.· 

The Institution also takes care of issues like social, moral, and legal implications of gender discrimination and maintains an environment where students, teaching, and non-teaching faculty members can work together cohesively.

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Percentage of students undertaking project work/field work/ internships (Data for the latest completed academic year; 2021-22)


Students undertaking project work/field work / internship for A.Y. 2021-22

Name of the Department

No of students undertaking project work/field work / internship

Total no. of students in 

A.Y. 2021-22

Computer Engineering



Mechanical Engineering



Electronics and Telecommunication



Civil Engineering



Artificial Intelligence & Data Science



Applied Science (F.E.)



Masters of Business Administration (MBA)



Information Technology






Percentage of students undertaking project work/field work / internship in the latest completed A.Y. 2021-22

  90.6 %


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Key Indicator - 1.4 Feedback System

Institution obtains feedback on the academic performance and ambience of the institution from various stakeholders, such as Students, Teachers, Employers, Alumni etc. and action taken report on the feedback is made available on institutional website (Yes or No)

: Yes

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