

Alumni Association

Vision Statement

To be a vibrant alumni association working in consonance with the misson of the institute, supporting it through the synergy of the combined knowledge, skills and allegiance of its alumni, being its brand ambassador, participating in and contributing to its continued growth and development and helping our all mater develop world class and socially responsive pharmacist that are an asset to the society.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to serve the interests of everyone belonging to the SNJB family, by, gathering together all the SNJBians, helping them develop and nurture a mutually beneficial relationship, fostering amongst them a sense of loyalty, involvement and lifelong commitment towards the institute, thereby assuring SNJB of unfailing alumni support in achieving its pursuits of excellence in education, training, research and development.

Aims & Objective

The aim of the association shall be to assist the college and the students in their growth and development so that each passing pharmacist comes out as a responsible citizen of his/her motherland, a prominent socialite, and above all, a good human being, which the institute, the association and the society is proud of. The association will always work towards the betterment of the all mater of its members. The association will promote good fellowship among the members of the association and the current students of SNJB. It will encourage and assist the current students of SNJB to maintain links with the college and each other.

The association shall, in participating with the college, pursue these aims by the following ways:

  • Organizing social, cultural, sporting and technical events.
  • Distinguishing the excellence of students in the fields of academics, sports, cultural and social activities.
  • Helping the students in their personal development by supporting them through guidance and all other possible assistance.
  • Helping the staff in their quality improvement program.
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