First Year D. Pharmacy Syllabus : (Click PDF symbol to view)
Second Year D. Pharmacy Syllabus: (Click PDF symbol to view)
D.Pharm Syllabus Overview : (Click PDF symbol to view)
Format for Assessment of Assignment and Field Visit: (Click PDF symbol to view)
Competencies Required for Indian D. Pharm Holder: (Click PDF symbol to view)
Examination Guideline (Sessional and Annual): (Click PDF symbol to view)
Pratical Training - Every Student who has appeared for Second year D.Pharm examination is required to complete minimum 500 hours of Practical Training at any of the authorised Community Pharmacy ( Retail medical shop), or hospital pharmacy. The training must be spreadover minimum 3 months. On completion and submission of Training completion certificate the candidate's passing certificate will be issued. The practical training is the Part III of the course.
Exit Examination is to be qualified by the candidate before registration with State Pharmacy Council. (Mandatory for registration and medical shop license)
Registration Guideline-
After successful completion of the D.Pharm course and qualifying the Exit Examination conducted, as directed by PCI.The candidate should register himself/ herself at the State Pharmacy council, in the state where he/ she is interested to practice as community or hospital pharmacist.Registration of Pharmacist in the state pharmacy council is must, before you get FDA license for Retail medical shop in the concerned state.
You can transfer your registration from one state to another state , if you wish to work in another state. The procedure and guidelines of the state pharmacy council of the state, where it is to be transfered, is to be followed for the purpose.
For more details of registration process please contact concerned State Pharmacy Council.
For Maharashtra State pharmacy Council: visit website:
The new registration or renewal / extension of validity or upgradation of qualification, in already registered information may be done at this site.